Who We Are


The Louisiana HOOP coalition is committed to uplifting the leadership and expertise of youth.

Our coalition is led by a dynamic group of youth, committed to deconstructing the carceral state and building safe and loving communities.


Our Mission

Our Mission is to build a youth-led movement that dismantles intergenerational systems of white supremacy to abolish youth incarceration in Louisiana. 

Our Vision

We envision a world without white supremacy, where children—especially Black, Indigenous, and children of color—are free to dream, thrive, and reach their full potential. 


Our Core Principles & Values

We believe that Louisiana’s most vulnerable youth deserve respect and dignity as experts of their own experience and equals in the fight for liberation. 


 We believe in centering the leadership of Louisiana’s most vulnerable youth, including 

Black youth at its intersections—Indigenous Black youth, Afro-Latinx youth, LGBTQ youth, womxn, disabled youth, and incarcerated and formerly incarcerated youth. 

We believe in community and acting as accomplices in the fight for liberation for our most vulnerable youth, and follow their lead in dismantling the structures that oppress them. 


We are unapologetically Anti-Racist, and believe in the collective liberation of 

Louisiana’s Black, Indigenous, and youth of color and their communities from systems of white supremacy. 

We are abolitionists and believe in investing in holistic community supports and opportunities that affirm the lives of Louisiana's youth; we believe that prison, policing, and surveillance should not be used to solve social problems. 

Our Partners